Welcome to the ACA Safety & Rescue IDW/ICE course. This is an extensive class that concentrates on developing solid instructors. The class venue will include several different rivers that match the characteristics necessary for teaching each ACA instructor candidate level. All instructor candidates will need to read the latest ACA suggested curriculums and be able to identify local venues that match the class level they plan to teach. The ACA offers classes from a partial day right on up to the full two day class with full scenarios. As an IT (Instructor Trainer), my job is to asist you in becoming a well qualified instructor. You will need to prepare for this class, practice your rope skills, swim in various rapids, make certain your gear is up to the task, rehearse short teaching assignments, and of course ask LOTS of questions.
Becoming a Safety & Rescue Instructor is a big deal, especially at Level 4 (and above). This discipline covers a huge body of knowledge. As an instructor, you will be saving several lives without even knowing about it. This course is a favorite for experienced boaters year after year. You will also meet a number of experts in various topics as you teach this course:
- Medical: Doctors, Nurses, EMTs
- Rope Experts: Climbers, Riggers, etc.
- Class V Boaters
- Professionals: Fire Fighters, Police, Rangers, etc.
- Other surprises as well